or, Could this app write for Bojack Horseman?
- Julia Rabbits
- Meryl Sheep
- Conan O’Lion
- Mila Raccunis
- Julianne Boar
- Sigourney Beaver
- Mark Buffalo
- Adam Salamandler
- David Leopardman
- Elk Elk Cool J
a rhyme tool
Given a query like, “Find a [person’s name] that sounds like a [sea creature],” this search can return pairs like :
• Gail / whale
• Carol / coral
• Steven / sturgeon
It exhaustively considers sets of synonyms for pairs that rhyme or otherwise match phonetically. (Uses Google’s word2vec for syonymity.) Blog post here. Demo here.
or, Could this app write for Bojack Horseman?
sham shad
scam salmon
fictitious catfish
dummy duck
pseudo sushi
replica delicacy
purportedly pork
fraudulent frog
suckers’ succulents
mirage mozarella
My brother asked me to help him come up with baby names that were “uncommon English words that sound just slightly different from relatively common names.”
The idea I think was to make joke suggestions to his wife that they name their unborn child “Quarry” instead of Corey or “Cairn” instead of Karen.
Anyways I’m proud to announce my nine beautiful children:
My sons Brine, Frill, Curd, Quirk, and Crease (key: Brian, Phil, Kurt, Kirk, Chris)
My daughters Joist, Jostling, Greats and Moniker. (key: Joyce, Joecelyn, Grace, Monica)
the rodent rode
the snake snuck
the rat ran
the squid slid
the turtled turned
the spider sped
the cat crashed
the reptile leapt
the cow came
the zoo flew
the tiger tore